Catalogue of publications

Romarin Editions

Suzanne RENAUD :
Œuvres – Dílo (volume I)
L’œuvre poétique traduite par Bohuslav Reynek.
[The poetic works translated
by Bohuslav Reynek

Out of print

In 1926 Dauphiné resident Suzanne Renaud (1889-1964) married Czech poet and engraver Bohuslav Reynek in Grenoble and, shortly before the 1938 Anschluss, moved to Czechoslovakia, where her poetry was admired thanks to Bohuslav Reynek but remained little known in France in its original language. This first volume of a critical edition of her Œuvre poétique [Poetic Work] at last gives her work its place in French literature. “It is time for Suzanne Renaud to find her place among her own: poets in her language, the French language, but also the Czech poets whose conditions and torments she chose to share. It is time for her to find her place among the poets of her kind, the poets of disquietude, anguish and faith, those for whom splendour lies at the bottom of things, with their secret light and substance behind it, even if it is too much trouble to see it.” (Václav Jamek, preface).

Format 12,5 x 19 cm.
430 pages.Illustrated hardcover.
ISBN : 2–910544–01–X

Published by Romarin, Grenoble 1995.
Bilingual critical edition in French and Czech of Suzanne Renaud’s poems translated by Bohuslav Reynek.
Foreword by Václav Jamek. Preface by Michel (Jiří) Reynek.
Postfaces by Claude Kastler and d’Aleš Pohorský.
Notes, chronologies, bibliography.
Illustrations: seventeen photographs by Daniel Reynek, eleven color reproductions of the frontispieces of the original editions.
Edition established by Annick Auzimour and Barbora Bukovinská.
Published with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the French Institute in Prague and the Centre national du livre in Paris.

Association Romarin

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et cultiver des liens nés d’une histoire centenaire.

Cotisation 2020

L’association Romarin est une association à but non lucratif fondée à Grenoble (France) en 1993, régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et enregistrée sous le n° 1/22101. Elle a pour objet de favoriser par tout moyen approprié la connaissance et le rayonnement des oeuvres de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek.

Association Romarin

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Become a member to receive information, contribute, exchange, meet other members and cultivate bonds born of a century-old history.

Cotisation 2021

Romarin, a non-profit organisation founded in Grenoble in December 1993, preserves, promotes and calls attention to the poetry and graphic work of the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud, his Grenoble wife.