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Association Romarin
The Friends of Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek
For generations, Les Amis de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek have preserved manuscripts, printed matter, letters and photographs that are currently being inventoried. Over the last 30 years or so, French and Czech authors who are connoisseurs or specialists have carried out research and various studies on the work of Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek (theses, lectures, papers at the Académie delphinale). Articles, reviews and speeches attest to the events that have taken place under the aegis of Romarin or other cultural organizations.
Pierre Dalloz, Maison Stendhal, Grenoble, 1985.
First artisan of the highlighting
of Renaud and Reynek’s work.
Bohuslav Reynek : Podzimní motýli – Papillons d’automne
“Following these autumn butterflies, the reader does not just witness the metamorphosis of an autumnal landscape. The signs are revelatory: buckets, crimson, sacrifice and the lamb, blood and death are omnipresent […]
Franco-Czech literary evening. Petrkov, Grenoble, Moux…
Literary event at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday 24 October 2019 at La Maison de l’International*
Bohuslav Reynek, Suzanne Renaud, Jean Lebrau, Andrée Appercelle : Correspondance – Korespondence
Czech poet and printmaker Bohuslav Reynek (1892-1971) and his wife, poet Suzanne Renaud (1889-1964), wrote many letters to their friends in France […]
Reynek: the paths of a poet in Czechoslovakia’s century
As part of the “Capucins littéraires” organised by the City of Meylan, the Romarin association and the Renaud Reynek Endowment Fund presents Reynek, the Paths of a Poet in Czechoslovakia’s Century, a book […]
Suzanne Renaud to music by Ondřej Škoch
It is the flax-coloured country… Suzanne Renaud’s poem was set to music composed by Ondřej Škoch,
Suzanne Renaud: Poetically She
To mark Women’s Day, the La Tronche library « Le Verbe être » (“The Verb to Be”) offered a reading of Suzanne Renaud’s poetry during a show hosted by Mao Tourmen.
Bohuslav Reynek at the Czech Centre of Paris
From 23 February 2017, the Czech Centre of Paris hosts the exhibition Bohuslav Reynek, Don Quixote in Petrkov on its premises at 18 rue Bonarparte. Alongside prints from the album dedicated to Cervantes’ hero—the only copy, put together and presented in Grenoble in 1960 […]
Conference at the Académie delphinale
Reynek’s Don Quixote
As part of the monthly lectures of the Académie delphinale: “The Don Quixote of Bohuslav Reynek, the 1960 Grenoble album”, by Annick Auzimour. Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 2:30 p.m., Archives départementales de l’Isère in Grenoble.
Our Dreams Will Go by the Wayside…
The City of Grenoble owns a Renaud Reynek collection, unique in France considering its richness and diversity. It started in the early 80’s thanks to Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek’s Grenoble friends who successively made donations.
Miluse Vidonne – From Prague to Grenoble. A Road to the “Free” World
On the sidelines of the exhibition “Bohuslav Reynek – Estampes des années cinquante” [Bohuslav Reynek – Prints from the 1950s], Miluse Vidonne gives a brief, brisk, simply written account of her daily life in Czechoslovakia […]
In Praise of Winter with Bohuslav Reynek
The exhibition “Louanges d’hiver avec Bohuslav Reynek” [In Praise of Winter with Bohuslav Reynek] featured a handful of prints in the ogival niches of the Clos des Capucins Chapel in Meylan, which has a view stretching to snow-covered Belledonne Mountain […]
Bohuslav Reynek. Prints from the 1950s.
While works by the Czech poet and engraver Bohuslav Reynek (1892-1971) were kept in the shadows in his home country during the post-Stalin years, local families in Grenoble, in the free world, collected, preserved and exhibited them. […]
1992 Centenary of the birth of Bohuslav Reynek
On Saturday, May 30, 1992, a moving ceremony steeped in simplicity and grandeur […]
Gifts to the City of Grenoble
29 September 2011
Echoing those commemorations, on 29 September 2011 the Municipal Research and Heritage Library’s Renaud-Reynek Collection acquired a group of drawings by Bohuslav Reynek and manuscripts of Suzanne Renaud […]
Biography of Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek, 1985
To mark the commemoration of the anniversary dates of the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek, who died in Petrkov on 28 September 1971, and his French wife, the poet Suzanne Renaud, who was born in Lyon on 30 September 1889, we are republishing […]
1992 Henri Pourrat and Suzanne Renaud. An epistolary friendship and the birth of a book, Romarin ou Annette et Jean
1996 From Prague to Grenoble with Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek
2000 A passionate look at Bohuslav Reynek in France today
1923-2023. S. Renaud et B. Reynek, a Jewel of Franco-Czech Cultural Relations
1995 Exhibition Lune d’hiver / Luna zimní at the Bibliothèque municipale de Grenoble, 12 december 1995
1997 Bohuslav Reynek exhibition in Grenoble Museum, 29 November 1997
2006 Sweet gifts of life
2011 A year of celebrating Bohuslav Reynek’s work in his homeland
2015 There are beings in this world