
Renaud Reynek Dotation Fund


The endowment fund called the Dotation Renaud Reynek (DRR) is a legal structure governed by law no. 2008-776 of 4 August 2008, known as the LME Act. It was created in Meylan (France) on 3 December 2014 (JO no. 2242).Founder Annick Auzimour (photo). Governed under private law, DRR is a non-profit legal person with the mission of cultural patronage in the public interest. It hosts an important, inalienable and indivisible collection of works by the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek and his wife, the French poet Suzanne Renaud. The Dotation Renaud Reynek enables the signing of contracts with public and private partners in order to encourage the promotion and conservation of the artists’ work, particularly in partnership with the Romarin organisation, which has been bringing it to the public’s attention in France for over 20 years.

Association Romarin

Devenir adhérent

C’est s’informer, contribuer, échanger, se rencontrer,
et cultiver des liens nés d’une histoire centenaire.

Cotisation 2020

L’association Romarin est une association à but non lucratif fondée à Grenoble (France) en 1993, régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et enregistrée sous le n° 1/22101. Elle a pour objet de favoriser par tout moyen approprié la connaissance et le rayonnement des oeuvres de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek.

Association Romarin

Become a member

Become a member to receive information, contribute, exchange, meet other members and cultivate bonds born of a century-old history.

Cotisation 2021

Romarin, a non-profit organisation founded in Grenoble in December 1993, preserves, promotes and calls attention to the poetry and graphic work of the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud, his Grenoble wife.