1923-2023. Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek
Jewel of French-Czech cultural relations
An exhibition, a literary evening, a book
From May 31 to June 18, 2023, at Clos des Capucins
18 Chemin des Villauds, 38240 Meylan
To celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the encounter in Grenoble of Suzanne Renaud (1889-1964), a French poet from Grenoble, and Bohuslav Reynek (1892-1971), a Czech poet, engraver and translator who lived in Petrkov in Bohemia, the Association Romarin, the Friends of Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek, and the Renaud Reynek Dotation Fund, in collaboration with the Czech-French Cultural Centre in Petrkov, an institution of the Museum of Czech Literature, will give you a glimpse of the precious literary, poetic and pictorial heritage created by this couple of artists, with exceptional destinies and whose lives and work were marked by the painful history of their time.
Exhibition from May 31 to June 18, 2023: drawings, engravings, rare books, manuscripts.
From Wednesday to Friday 12:00 – 19:00
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 19:00
Guided tours on Saturday and Sunday at 15:30
(reservation : romarin@renaud-reynek.com)
1923-2023. Jubilé de la rencontre Renaud Reynek (not translated)
▶ Radio Grésivaudan, Télé Placard, 30 mai 2023 (not translated)
▶ Interview Annick Auzimour, Radio Prague, 31 mai 2023 (not translated)
Literary evening, May 31, 2023. Start at 18:00
Lecture: Crossed presence of France and Czechoslovakia in the literary and artistic work of Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud, by Annick Auzimour, President of the Association Romarin and Lucie Tučková, Director of the Petrkov Cultural Centre.
Lecture, May 31, 2023
Projection of the documentary film Petrkov 13 (made in 2022).
Publication of a book by Romarin Editions:
Suzanne Renaud: Lettres à ses amis tchèques [Letters to Czech Friends] / Dopisy českým přátelům (1934-1963)
▶ Interview MaO Tourmen and Petr Řezníček, Radio Prague, 31 mai 2023 (not translated)