
A Romarin exhibition in Petrkov

Petrkov at 3:30 p.m. on 28 September 2024
A tribute to Sylvie Germain in Petrkov.

“A Tribute to Petrkov” is part of the “Indian Summer with Sylvie Germain” series organised in collaboration with the Rokoko Theatre, which is presenting a stage adaptation of Le Livre des Nuits (The Book of Nights) by the French Institute in Prague, where the author will be interviewed as part of the Literary Café programme, and the Czech-French Cultural Centre in Petrkov.

A concert by students from the Jan Deyl Conservatory and an exceptional exhibition on Les éditions Romarin will follow this event in Petrkov. Annick Auzimour leads Les amis de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek (Romarin. Přátele Suzanne Renaudové a Bohuslava Reynka), a Grenoble-based publishing organisation. The event is organised by the Museum of Czech Literature in partnership with the French Institute in Prague.

To mark the occasion, Petr Novotný-nakladatelství Petrkov is republishing Sylvie Germain’s book Bohuslav Reynek à Petrkov : un nomade en sa demeure (Bohuslav Reynek in Petrkov: A Nomad at Home), which came out in France in 1998, for the second time in Czech translation (Bohuslav Reynek v Petrkově: poutník ve svém příbytku).

Speech by Barbora Bukovinská


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Association Romarin

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et cultiver des liens nés d’une histoire centenaire.

Cotisation 2020

L’association Romarin est une association à but non lucratif fondée à Grenoble (France) en 1993, régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et enregistrée sous le n° 1/22101. Elle a pour objet de favoriser par tout moyen approprié la connaissance et le rayonnement des oeuvres de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek.

Association Romarin

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Become a member to receive information, contribute, exchange, meet other members and cultivate bonds born of a century-old history.

Cotisation 2021

Romarin, a non-profit organisation founded in Grenoble in December 1993, preserves, promotes and calls attention to the poetry and graphic work of the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud, his Grenoble wife.