The public first saw the Don Quichotte album by Bohuslav Reynek (1892-1971) at the opening of an exhibition at the Jean Damien bookshop in Grenoble on 7 November 1960. The Czech engraver, who dreamed of arid, fragrant southern landscapes all his life, had long been interested in the epic tale about Cervantes’ hero. This set of 14 prints dedicated to the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance, the artist’s only work based on a literary theme, attained its most accomplished form and definitive composition in the Don Quichotte series. Czechs saw it for the first time on 2 April 1965 at the opening of an exhibition in Brno attesting to the creativity of the artist, who was unknown to the general public until then.
In this book, two authors who were close to the artist during his lifetime and know his work recount the genesis of Reynek’s Don Quichotte. Its scenes spring to life in Petrkov, the village in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands where the artist lived and set his visions in the snowy landscapes of Central Europe. Today we are presenting these previously unpublished texts, illustrated with Reynek’s prints and plates and supplemented by art historian Jiří Šerých’s moving recollections, Je to už dávno – Il y a bien longtemps.
Format 21 x 21 cm.
144 pages. softbound, illustrated cover.
ISBN : 2–910544–16–4
Published by Romarin, Grenoble 2016.
Bilingual edition in French and Czech.
Texts by Annick Auzimour and by Jiří Šerých
Translated from the French by Petr Turek and from the Czech by Benoît Meunier.
Colour illustrations: two sections outside the text, 16 and 32 pages, and 34 reproductions within the text.
As a supplement of the bool, six-page insert: Ma tante Suzanne Renaud, text by Magali Robert.
Published with assistance from the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Renaud-Reynek Endowment Fund (France).
Romarin – The Friends of Suzanne Renaud and Bohuslav Reynek – All rights reserved – Legal information | Website designed by Netygo
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L’association Romarin est une association à but non lucratif fondée à Grenoble (France) en 1993, régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 et enregistrée sous le n° 1/22101. Elle a pour objet de favoriser par tout moyen approprié la connaissance et le rayonnement des oeuvres de Suzanne Renaud et Bohuslav Reynek.
Become a member to receive information, contribute, exchange, meet other members and cultivate bonds born of a century-old history.
Romarin, a non-profit organisation founded in Grenoble in December 1993, preserves, promotes and calls attention to the poetry and graphic work of the Czech engraver Bohuslav Reynek and Suzanne Renaud, his Grenoble wife.